Fiona Baan “Pursuit of Excellence” Memorial Trophy

2023 Recipient Region 3 Young Rider Mary Claire Piller
This award, which is on permanent display in the Roemer Foundation and USDF Hall of Fame, has been presented since 1994 to the young rider competing in the USDF/Platinum Performance North American Young Riders Dressage Championship that receives the highest combined average score for all three of their dressage tests; FEI Young Rider Team, Individual, and Freestyle.
The "Pursuit of Excellence" is the legacy Fiona Baan left to all the FEI Young Riders, and indeed to everyone who ever knew or worked with her. For nearly 30 years, Ms. Baan worked tirelessly with great dedication to the United States Equestrian Team (USET) and the Young Rider’s Championships. She was U.S. Dressage Team leader for the 1976 Olympics, in which the U.S. won the Bronze Medal, the 1987 Pan Am Games, and for the Bronze Medal dressage team at the 1992 Olympics, in Barcelona. This award recognizes hard work and the pursuit of excellence in the sport Fiona dearly loved.
2023 Mary Claire Piller
2022 Erin Nichols
2021 Christian Simonson
2019 Callie Jones
2018 Callie Jones
2017 Chase Shipka
2016 Nicholas Hansen
2015 Natalie Pai
2014 Catherine Chamberlain
2013 Ayden Uhlir
2012 Brandi Roenick
2011 Isabelle Leibler
2010 Jhesika Wells
2009 Kassandra Barteau
2008 Laura Noyes